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corporate information

NameFidelity Life Asset Management Company (Private) Limited 
Corporate Form 
Private Limited Company 
Country of Incorporation 
Date of Incorporation 
Company Registration Number 
SECZ Licence Number 
Shareholding100% owned by Fidelity Life Assurance of Zimbabwe Limited
Authorised Share Capital 
151,600,000 Ordinary Shares at ZWL 0.01 each (ZWL 1,516,000)
Issued and Paid Up Capital 
15,494,000 Ordinary Shares at ZWL 0.01 each (ZWL 154,940) 
Authorised, Issued & Fully Paid48,400,000 Preference Shares at ZWL0.01 each (ZWL 484,000)
Registered Office 
1st Floor Block D, Smatsatsa Office Park, Borrowdale, Harare 

how to find us

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